Atlantic First Nations Water Authority
SCADA Master Plan
The Atlantic First Nations Water Authority (AFNWA) was incorporated in 2018 to own, operate, and maintain water and wastewater systems in participating communities to enhance service and build capacity within First Nations communities.
15 communities
3 provinces
5 year plan
The AFNWA retained Eramosa to develop a Water & Wastewater SCADA, Process Control, and Communications Master Plan for fifteen (15) First Nations communities located throughout Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island.
The project includes a comprehensive review of the current state of the automation, controls, and network infrastructure currently in service for all water and wastewater facilities and the development of options and recommendations for the desired state of the AFNWA’s utility-wide SCADA system. The master plan will focus on the needs for RTUs, HMI/SCADA hardware and software, communications networks, data management, and alarm management. The intent is to provide a consistent and standardized system for all participating communities to allow the organization and it’s participating communities to operate as a utility rather than as stand-alone communities.
The project outcomes will provide a 5-year plan for implementing a new utility-wide SCADA system accessible to all communities, complete with an implementation roadmap that prioritizes upgrades and new infrastructure, capital budgets, and a list of recommended projects based on risk and criticality.
Questions about this project?
Adam Plumstead