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Annual MS Bike Tour enters 11th year

Eramosa recently capped off an exciting year of fundraising for multiple sclerosis (MS). Our annual involvement in the MS Bike Tour saw the company participate in four bicycle rides, in two provinces, where we raised over $40,000. The September ride in Toronto wrapped a successful summer of fundraising and biking where the team also participated in first-time rides in Guelph and Calgary. When this year’s pledges are accounted for it will bring Eramosa’s 11 year total to well over $364,000.

The largest contingent of Eramosa cyclists were in Niagara where once again we had the biggest team of any that participated. This year 35 staff members, friends, and family joined us for a beautiful ride through the region. As well, since we were the largest team we had the honour of being at the front of the pack to start the day.

Every year we do these rides we have the opportunity to drive change, share a laugh and a smile along the way, and meet really great people. This year we were certainly blind-sided when we learned one of our Eramosa team members was diagnosed with MS which most certainly brings us back to the strange thought of ‘Won’t it be great if this is the last ride we have to do?’. We ride to end MS and every year this effort gets us a little bit closer to the goal,” said Eramosa Team Captain Pete Samson.

Not only do we ride for MS but over the year we participate in multiple efforts to raise awareness and fundraise dollars. This year we had collections for Dress Down Fridays and also participated in a very successful bottle-return drive at two Beer Stores in Peel Region.

MS Bike is the largest cycling series in North America. Each year more than 10,000 bikers participate between June and September for those afflicted with MS. Canada has the highest rate of MS in the world as an estimated 100,000 Canadians live with the disease. Every day three more Canadians are diagnosed with MS, an unpredictable illness that affects vision, balance, memory, and mobility. It is most often diagnosed in young adults, aged 15 to 40.

In 2013, Canadians raised $23 million for many different research programs, grants, and support services. The money is divided into four different categories: quality of life and population health, cause and risk factors, progression and therapies, and help with nerve repair.

Thanks again to everyone who participated and to all of our generous sponsors for helping us achieve our goals. We look forward to fundraising and cycling next year as we help fight against MS.

For more information about the MS Bike Tour, please visit the website.